Tuesday, 11 December 2012


Hello hello:)

I am sorry guys but i am not happy... everytime i ask you : "how are you guys?" but none is talking to me back :( do you really want me to be sad ? :)

So second change :) HOW ARE YOU GUYS TODAY ?

Few years ago i got my first little book with quotes.
I even think i bought it for myself . . . Anyway. . .  loooooong time ago :)

I remember there was this quote which maked me think about myself and people at that time.

"Remember what people said to you when they are angry - is always what they mean"

Today the old memories came back to me...

Emotions !
We often say " control your emotions !!! " why? because it HURTS ... words can really hurt us so much...

Maybe is a good thing ? - i can't tell now.

 It hurts - but also can  help us to know the person better...To open our eyes.

Menthal hurt take longer to heal then the physical one... That's for sure.

We should learn how to talk to people about important issues, not only when we are drung or angry :)
                   LEARN IT NOW ...LATER CAN BE TOO LATE.

Good night with love your
Andrea & Uško

uško is helping me at 3:30am


Monday, 10 December 2012


Hello hello :)

How was your monday everybody ? 
Mine was super good :) I was busy bee but all good good :)

In the evening i decorated my flat ... sooo Christmasy :) 

“I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year.” 
― Charles Dickens 

"Little things in life".. i am sure , you guys remember i like to mention how important and beautiful is to notice  every day's "little things "...

I wanna share with you my "little thing " today.
After my castings i went to grap a soup ( tomato my favorite ) and with soup i always get bread ,even i don't eat bread.
Usualy i just leave it on the plate.   I dont know why but today i took piece of bread and i play with it.
A bit silly i know...
After while i noticed that this bread is in a shape of HEART ! 
It was such a moment :) 

I took a pictures for you :)




Saturday, 8 December 2012


Good evening ...

Is already sunday 1am , i can't sleep so i decided to write . . .

What i am going to write about ? 

I was thinking today ..why there are some words we use but they actually don't exist in a real life.
I am sure you dont know now what i mean... 
Let me give you an exaple . . .      The word: PERFECT .

What Perfect means? an Ideal ? and what does a mean?

Perfect partner... perfect look.. perfect job... life... world.. That's what we hear all the time right ?
There is just not such thing as perfect!

Let's accept everything in life how it is.. and if we are not happy about it... change it,
Still cant see the change ? believe and dont give up. NEVER...

Life is soooo simple..is already so beautiful just try to notice the beauty..go deeply .. open your eyes and ears...
Go out more often, take a walk ... visit places you never seen... talk to people you never talked... eat what you never tried...read what you never read...
Forget about the time ...take your watch off and leave your phone at home- At least once a while...
Ofcourse is not so easy in our fast world...i am also not the best example...but i am trying to be.

"Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible". 
Dalai Lama


Think about it my lovelies ... All is already great we just have to notice it :)

Friday, 7 December 2012




Wrrr is freezing outside :) Don't even try to go out without hat and scarf please ..HAHA and ofcourse take umbrella :) for the once in London :)

Today's post is introducing one.... I am going to introduce you Amazing women BRIDGET HUNT .

postman maked my day today !!!

How do i now about her ?   BRIDGET is friend of my very good friend Michael.
I think thats the best way how to know people - To talk about people.

My curiosity was big so i checked her website and read even more...
As a healthy addict and person who loves people immediately i ordered her book SIX PACK CHICK.
I cant say much about the book yet because i just received today morning:) but i will deffinitely keep you updating during my reading.

BRIDGET is a person who loves this world . She has huge passion for life and people specialy women. :)
I recently did interview for her ...click here : http://bridgethunt.com/2012/12/60-second-interview-andrea-chovanova/

I am sure you wanna know more about Bridget so go on:

And the link where you can order her lovely book is here for you : http://www.amazon.co.uk/Six-Pack-Chick-Bridget-Hunt/dp/190874622X

We need more people like Bridget is...people who care about the others :)

With love Andrea

Thursday, 6 December 2012

St.Mikulaš day

Hou hou hou....

Or something like that  :)

Today is 6 of December and in Slovakia (my home country) is St.Mikulaš day :)

Day Svätého Mikuláša is very popular with kids in Slovakia. No wonder, they get presents on this day (but only if the behaved nicely)! On the eve of St. Nicholas day, Dec. 5th, kids leave out their shoes or boots on their windowsills. Then the next morning they find the shoes filled with little presents. When I was growing up, the presents were pieces of fruit: apples, nuts, pears. Those who behaved badly would find a piece of coal.:) But we are all good :)
Then the next day, in the evening, the older boys of the village would dress up as Sv. Mikuláš and his entourage: an angel (anjel) and a devil (čert). The boys dressed as angels would wear long white shirts, while the devils wore a long black coat, painted their faces black, and tied chains and bells around their waist. They would then visit families having little kids. The little ones first had to say a prayer  or sing (something funny and improvised) and then would receive more presents: dried fruit, candies, nuts and so on. And of course, those who misbehaved got their coal.  The devil supposedly gave out potatoes.
Cute tradition right? Nomatter how old you are ,your shoes have to be shiny and wait for something nice :)
So happy St.Mikulaš day with so much love from me :)

How are you everybody ? i am naughty i know ...again i didnt write for quite long time :(
SOOOOO many things happended since then:) 
I went to China for one Month -  again YES ONE MONTH !!!! China is just not what i thought it is.Lesson ? To not to have an expectation- NEVER.   I can't say is bad or good , is just VERY defferent . Specialy people ! China is very very political country and it reflects on the nation. To be more accurate ... People are not friendly, they are not polite to each other and the basic respect is just not there...
In the end of the day what makes your country nice ? i would say people...
But is time to say something nice :) Shanghai was beautiful and ofcourse traditional chinese couture is magical :)
 I visited  Bejing , Shanghai, Zhuzhou and province Hunan :) The best city as i mentioned was Shanghai... Beijing not at all is just too much pollution ...
I can talk about China for hours but is better to go and make your own opinion :) 
Little sugestions before you go:) take looots of empty bags with fresh air from here :) JUST KIDDING ...maybe not haha.

Did you guys already went for Christmas shopping ? Do you also love Christmas time as much as i do ? <3<3<3
Share with me your ideas for presents or good shops where to buy them:)
I will say bye bye for now but i make my promise i will talk to you very very soon.